Wwf Rage in the Cage Sega Cd Review

Feel my rage in thy cage!

WWF Rage In The Cage

By 1993 officially licensed WWF (at present known as WWE) games were certainly not a new thing. Acclaim had held the sectional license to produce them at present for several years and they were steadily getting meliorate. Then with the enhanced power of Sega's Mega CD add-on at their disposal you would await them to come up up with the ultimate wrestling game right? Well no, but it's not quite as cutting and dry equally that, which is probably the most frustrating thing of all well-nigh WWF Rage in the Cage. With this game Acclaim got so much correct, introducing a vast array of new features that we would now consider to exist standard editions to any mod WWE game. But just a few stupid omissions arrive the fashion of WWF Rage in the Cage beingness the ultimate wrestling game of the 16-flake era. I will grapple with my thoughts and explain a chip further just why this is.


I should beginning off past mentioning that WWF Rage in the Cage was the very first wrestling game to characteristic actual video footage of the superstars themselves and their signature moves, something that is now standard in WWE wrestling games. This takes the grade an opening video every bit well clips of each of the wrestlers' signature moves that can exist viewed from the wrestler select screen. There are also private FMV clips that play for each of the superstars when you complete the tournament fashion. WWF Rage in the Cage likewise features proper introductions past legendary Howard Finkel and rants between the competitors prior to each match, something else that before long became pretty standard in grappling games. WWF Rage in the Cage also features no less than twenty wrestlers, the about seen in a WWF game up to that betoken, allowing you play with almost an entire roster at your disposal. Favourites like Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect and The Undertaker feature aslope superstars who rarely get in into the video games such equally Tatanka, Crush and Kamala.


Singles stars aren't the simply ones to feature though, as there are also several tag teams on the roster – including The Nasty Boys, The Headshrinkers and three time champions Money Inc. (my personal favourites!) Sounds good doesn't it? But there's i big problem with this though, there is no tag team mode! I am not kidding either! It is simply unfathomable that the programmers, Sculptured Software, didn't include a tag team mode of whatsoever kind. Specially as this was by and then a standard characteristic in all wrestling games. This also means WWF Rage in the Muzzle does away with the Survivor Series mode that had featured in previous games. You can still play one-on-i against a friend thankfully, just for a game that had such a big amount of memory and disc space at its disposal, it feels incredibly light on unlike options.


Despite the pretty serious omission of a tag team mode, WWF Rage In The Cage, is really a very good game indeed. The huge roster, steel muzzle matches and video clips add to arrive the best wrestling feel on the Mega Drive in every other way. The graphics are actually great with some superb animation and great pixel likenesses of your favourite grapplers. Expect some very grainy video though – not a surprise, and more a standard when information technology comes to the Mega CD. I already mentioned the sound but patently the game benefits profoundly from existence on CD in this department. WWF Rage in the Cage is very easy to selection upwardly and play and the controls work really well. If only they had included a tag team manner you be looking at a rating at least a notch higher and one of the all-time wrestling games always made – a real missed opportunity there if there ever was one.

Last Verdict: iv/five


Available on: Sega Mega CD (reviewed) ; Publisher: Acclaim ; Programmer: Sculptured Software ; Players: 1-two ; Released: Dec 21, 1993 ; ESRB: Due east for Everyone ; MSRP: North/A


Source: https://www.heypoorplayer.com/2016/12/07/wwf-rage/

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